These combat self defense tactics on these DVD’s are like no other. Here at TSD we do not focus on fine motor skill tactics for it is too difficult to remember something as simple as your name during an adrenaline dump. So how will you remember
some complicated self defense technique…you’re not.
We focus on simplistic targeting tactics because self defense is about survival and
improvisation. If you’re looking for pretty this is not the place to get it, that’s movie stuff. We are to the point, raw and ugly. Our tactics are based on the natural and instinctive anatomic responses that the human body has when affected by an adrenaline dump.
BUY ANY 5 Downloadable DVD’s FOR THE PRICE OF 3
Savage Stand Up Street Combat: Closing The Distance, Close Quarters, Finishers is hard hitting jaw dropping DVD that will show you how to realistically close the distance, destroy your enemy in close quarter situations regardless if he’s a bigger man and finish him off. This brutal and instinctive combat self defense system shows you the targets to hit that drop the meanest S.O.B’s around by focusing on the anatomic weaknesses of the body which cannot be conditioned.
Inside this DVD you will discover…
- How to close the distance while you avoid entering the kill zone
- Barbaric instinctive tactics that don’t require skill precision or follow a step by step format that successfully destroys an attacker instantly
- The most brutal close quarter tactics on the planet to stop anyone regardless of their size dead in their tracks
- The one tactic that can be used 100% of the time regardless of what situation you are in, which is the most underused by the general public
- Bone crushing finishers that finish the fight FAST and keep your enemy on the ground
- The “invisible elbow block attack” that completely takes your attacker by surprise and takes away his weapons
- Devastating tactics that are similar in movement from one another so they are easy to remember and execute in times of crisis.
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The Guerrilla Ground Fighting For The Streets DVD will crank up your ground & pound arsenal it’s grappling with attitude. A no holds barred approach to street ground fighting. Anything goes and this underground self defense street fighting DVD will show you how to deal with the most dangerous grappling street confrontations, from empty hand situations to dealing with an armed attacker that’s mounted you.
Discover the best take-downs and ground pounds that mixed martial arts won’t allow because of there brutality. TSD’s motto is that “There is no such thing as a dirty fighter only an educated one” and soon will be yours when it comes to your grappling.
- Hard hitting, bone crushing take-downs that leave your attacker winded and out cold ending any fight in seconds
- Barbaric grappling tactics that are banned from mixed martial arts and are “unknown” to the public
- Regardless if you are flat on your back, face down or mounted with your hands pinned these outlaw ground tactics will give you the edge over your attacker
- The “one” ultimate tactic that will work in any given grappling situation making you an all out monster of destruction even if your attacker is armed with a weapon
- Regardless if you’re an experienced grappler or not this DVD will give you a new outlook on how to grapple using these guerrilla grappling tactics
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This Armed To The Teeth: Weapons Disarming & Improvising DVD will blow the lid off of your weapons disarming tactics and what you can use around you as a weapon. There is no other DVD like this when it comes to weapons disarming and improvising. Issues such as adrenaline, fear, and mindset were considered when these tactics where created and used in real life situations. These self defense street fighting tactics do not involve fine motor skill performance they are natural instinctive and basic because that’s all that works out on the streets.
This DVD reveals…
- How to instantly transform objects around you such as a drink, dirt and an umbrella as weapons that can take out your attacker quickly.
- How to use “psychological weapons” giving you the proper mindset which you must possess when it comes to dealing with an armed attacker so momentum is on your side and you can control the situation before it gets more dangerous.
- “Thoughtless tactics” because out on the street you don’t have time to think about what hand to use if your attacker is holding a weapon with his right hand. Regardless of what hand you use or your attacker uses the these tactics will work without thought because these tactics work regardless of which way you or your attacker moves, twists or turns.
- How to disarm a thug with a gun, shotgun, knife, machete, needle, bat and pipe in kick butt speed
- How to have the element of surprise behind you before you attack so your attacker doesn’t see you coming.
- How to properly hold your improvised weapons so your weapon isn’t turned against you
- Plus a ton more
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Crank: Head Manipulation Concepts will give you tactical freakish skills to your existing combat system that you are currently practicing right now regardless if you’re a beginner or advanced combat practitioner. This DVD reveals an anatomic truth of head control which is wherever the head goes the body must follow. This matter of fact DVD will give you the secret concepts on how to effectively control and destroy your enemy with greater ease regardless of how big and powerful he or she is.
When you order Crank: Head Manipulation Concepts you will discover…
- How to control the direction of your enemies body through the use of head manipulation regardless if he/she out weighs you by 100 LBS so you can smash and cripple your enemy in a heart beat
- How to “steer” the head of the most resistant opponent even when they know what your up to so you can easily toss and drop in lightening speed time your enemy just like he was a rag doll
- How to throw an aggressive attacker across a room so you drive his head into a hard surface knocking him senseless so he won’t wake up till next year
- Simple conditioning exercises which increases your head cranking power 3 fold so your hands are like powerful vice grips viciously applying pressure around your enemies head as you toss him
- How to simply and quickly redirect and move your enemies body using the “crank tactic” regardless if your enemy is sitting, standing and lying on top of you so you have complete control of any given violent situation
- Plus many more tactics
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TMT (Tactical Muscle Training) DVD gives you go muscles not show muscles and can be incorporated into any existing exercise program you are currently using right now. This DVD gives you unconventional exercises that mimic combative tactics that you would be using during a violent altercation. Exercises are geared around increasing your tactical combat attributes which in turn makes you more proficient and highly effective when it comes to your protecting yourself out on the street.
When you order TMT (Tactical Muscle Training) you will discover…
- How to increase your strength ten fold so when you use force on someone you cripple your enemy with your sheer raw power
- How to turbo charge your striking/kicking power so when you strike your enemies body it’s like a wrecking ball smashing through a wall with ease destroying whatever is in it’s path
- “Combat cardio” for combative street purposes so you can expel extreme levels of energy without getting winded and taxed out
- Simple conditioning exercises which will decrease your odds of being knocked out regardless of how hard you get hit
- Stability exercises which root you solid to the ground so you have a solid stance and can’t be dropped to the ground
- How to have lightening fast reflexes which allows you to deflect and block bullet speed strikes coming your way
- Plus many more tactically geared exercises
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The Ultimate Equalizer DVD reveals the one tactic that no man or woman should be without when it comes to their personal protection. Regardless of what combat self defense system that you practice this “ultimate tactic” can be simply incorporated into your combat system and will equalize any violent situation that you’re up against regardless if your attacker out weighs you by 100lbs or is a foot taller than you. This is the one tactic that you can’t do without.
When you order The Ultimate Equalizer DVD you will discover…
- The secret to equalizing any violent encounter with this ONE savage tactic regardless of your attackers size!
- How to equalize any violent encounter instantly so you instantly take control of the violence and place momentum on your side forcing your enemy into a defensive and submissive state.
- How this one instinctive tactic can be learned and ingrained into you’re muscle memory seconds after watching “The Ultimate Equalizer DVD”
- How you can apply this savage and barbaric ultimate equalizing tactic from any angle or position within a heart beat to destroy the toughest S.O.B around
- How this sadistic tactic can instantly place your enemy into the flight response so your enemy urinates himself/herself and becomes stuck on stupid and frozen in fear
- How to equalize any violent situation by using this simple yet effective combat tactic so you can destroy a person 3 times your size
- Plus a whole lot more
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FIST: Fighter’s Instinctive Scenario Training DVD shows you the secrets of professionals when it comes to retaining combat tactics quickly into your muscle memory and making your training realistic. Avoid countless boring hours in the gym executing your combat techniques to retain them instead spend those hours doing the things you love to do.
When you order FIST: Fighter’s Instinctive Scenario Training DVD you will…
- Be able to retain your combat tactics almost instantly so they are ingrained into your muscle memory.
- Never have to perform 2400-5000 repetitions of a self defense technique ever again to retain it.
- Slowdown the most chaotic violent situations like it is an everyday occurrence so you can view violence in slow motion to control and destroy your enemy in an all out violent attack.
- Improvise and tactically think through life and death situations so the odds of survival increase tenfold.
- Be able to deploy and retain your self defense weapon quickly and securely when your limbs feel like they weigh a ton and your hands are shaking like a leaf.
- Control the Flight/Fight Response so you are never stuck on stupid and be able to respond to violence aggressively so momentum is on your side.
- Know how to perform and alter any exercise/workout program so it simulates your combative tactics which in turn increases your power, strength and speed of your street tactics making you twice as deadly.
- Safely train when your adrenaline is pumping full speed inside your veins just like it was a real life violent situation so you make your training realistic.
- Know how to make your training school/centre simulate real world environments without spending any additional cash so your training is more realistic which in turn increases your enrollment twofold and you stand out from the rest of the crowd.
- Plus much more…
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Cheap Shots Low Blows Cuz Anything Goes DVD shows you the secrets of criminals, street fighter’s and military personnel/strong> on how to get the upper hand and catch your enemy off guard so momentum is on your side forcing your enemy into a defensive state so he can’t fight back.
When you order Cheap Shots, Low Blows Cuz Anything Goes DVD you will discover…
- A sneaky “pre emptive stealth move” so your enemy doesn’t even see your attack coming when YOU decide it’s time to act.
- How saying specific words will create a delayed response “break state” onto your enemies reactions
- Simple everyday clothing & objects that can be transformed into weapons of mass destruction to give you the upper hand in a violent attack
- How to sucker your enemy in doing what you want him to do so you have complete control of his actions quickly ending the violence
- Get the low down on a dirty trick that takes away your enemies weapons without you having to lay a finger on him
- Plus a bunch more dirty tricks, cheap shots and low blows
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#308-1450 Laburnum St
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R.A.C (Restraints and Control) DVD is a MUST HAVE FOR ANYONE WORKING IN THE SECURITY INDUSTRY who is interesting in successfully and safely restraining and controlling a passive & active resistant subject in the real world.
Inside this DVD you will discover…
- The interview stance
- Pressure points
- Nerve attacks
- Positional asphyxiation and excited delirium syndrome response strategies
- Restraint & control holds
- PSA’s (Pain Sensitive Areas)
- Tactical communication tactics
- Do’s & don’ts in street communication
- Incident response steps and strategies
- Tactical breathing
- Plus much much more
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By clicking “Buy Now” or by purchasing any of these products you agree that you are 19 years of age or over and waive your right to take any legal action whatsoever towards Tactical Self Defense Inc and take full legal responsibility for any injury you may sustain from any of these techniques and any action you may take that violates any of the laws of your country through the misuse of information taken from these products.