Here’s What You Get…
Protection Book On Steroids.
This book is the only one of its kind. It will cause a paradigm shift in how you look at using violence and will give you an extremely realistic solution to protecting yourself.Secrets of Street Combat deals with modern day violent threats. Bottom line it’s about survival plan and simple.
This book gives you “insider secrets” of individuals who survived violent street
encounters. I don’t give you illusions or gimmicks. I give you the raw and uncensored
information that will save your life. You will receive realistic solid psychological concepts and physical targeting tactics that places you ahead of our enemy and teaches you how to use violence to your advantage.
Here are the chapters…
Chapter 1 Less Is More When It Comes To Personal Protection
Just like the chapter title says less is more when it comes to personal protection. If you know to many self defense techniques it will only hinder you and confuse you. This in turn forces you into a state of flight/fear/freeze mode.You will not know what to do when the time comes to protect yourself or loved ones.
Chapter 2 Practice Doesn’t Make Perfect, Perfect Practice Makes Perfect
This chapter reveals the importance of how to properly train mentally and
physically to be able to handle and successfully deal with a violent encounter.
Chapter 3 How To Control Fear With The Killer Instinct Mindset
This chapter shows you how to control your fear response through simple
tactical breathing and triggering methods.
Chapter 4 The Six S’s
This chapter reveals to you the six fundamentals of street combat that all start with the
letter “S”
Chapter 5 There’s No Such Thing As A Dirty Fighter, Only An Educated One
Discover the best tricks and secrets of highly effective criminals, elite military personnel and street fighters in destroying your enemy FAST.
Chapter 6 Weapons Use & Improvisation
Transform everyday objects into weapons of mass destruction to stop any violent
encounter on a dime.
Chapter 7 L.E .A .C. H – The Best Targets To Attack On The Human Body
Discover the best and most damaging and deadliest targets to attack on the human body.
Chapter 8 Cheap Shots, Low Blows Cuz Anything Goes
The title of the chapter says it all need I say more?
Chapter 9 Weapons Disarming
Discover the dos and don’ts regarding weapons disarming. There are many dangerous myths regarding weapons disarming that have gotten people hurt or killed, this chapter breaks down these myths and how to deal with an armed assailant.
Here Is What Reader’s Are Saying
Hey Norm, how ya doing ? Ive just read your book and I must admit I learned a hell of a lot from it. I do quite a bit of bare knuckle fighting so hopefully the things I picked up from the read I can put into practice. Thanks again buddy and have a great weekend.
Tim Cutcliffe
“This book will shatter all of your false notions about real street self protection and when you finish it, I promise you that never again will you fear any man.”
Charles Prosper, aka “The Street Fighting Sifu”
“Secrets of Street Combat is a true to life, gritty revelation of what it takes to not only survive a physical confrontation in a modern day urban environment; but to be victorious. Norm Bettencourt, reflects on his experiences as a bouncer and his training as a black belt martial artist to provide the reader with sound, practical advice in reality based self defense.”
-Andy Curtiss – Author and Professional Mixed Martial Arts Athlete
Thank you very much for calling me today. I was honored to talk with you. Your book is gold, your audio messages are freak’in unreal, you really know your stuff. I have been looking for your stuff for 30 ++ years. Since 1972 I have read hundreds of books, studied hundreds of dvds/vhs tapes. I have 2 brown belts in old school Tae Kwon Do Ji Do Kwan and one in old combat Kenpo. I have also studied Kung Fu, Jiu Jitsu and military systems. I have not ever seen anything like your system ever. I can’t put a price on this information it’s awesome. Thank you for sharing your TSD system.”
Billy Isabella
I have been getting a lot of requests lately for DVD’s and other products, teaching my methods. Due to my busy training schedule, It has taken much longer than I wanted to get my products out, so, in the meantime, I am going to do something that I have never done before–I am going to recommend a product put out by another trainer.
I want you to know that I am doing this because I know you will benefit from the information that my friend, Norm Bettencourt has to offer and am not recieveing a single penny for my recommendation.
I say again, this recommendation is COMPLETELY UNPAID and I will recieve ABSOLUTELY NO FINANCIAL COMPENSATION WHATSOEVER for doing it.
What I am recommending you take a serious look at is the book “Secrets of Street Combat” by Norm Bettencourt.
Although no two people are exactly alike, I have found no other trainer who shares so many concepts with me as Norm, perhaps because he is also a “skinny bouncer,” who cannot rely on his physique to intimidate his opponents and therefore finds himself fighting more than most “cock diesel,” muscle bound guys who look mean enough to just scare people away.
He has learned to deal with fear, feed his killer instinct and DEFEAT MUCH LARGER AND STRONGER ATTACKERS.
I know a fraud when I see one and I’m telling you right now that NORM IS THE REAL DEAL. He has been there and done that and come back alive to share his experiences, good and bad.
I got a sneak peek at this book before it went to the printer and I was very pleased at the fine job he did to distill his lifetime of training, teaching and plain old brawling into an easily understandable and complete book that covers all mental and physical aspects of fighting very well.
Christopher “Bob” Roberts
Founder of Extreme Measures Institute
In depth interviews giving you the inside scoop of the TSD philosophy on
personal protection.
I will answer all your questions regarding…
- Gun Disarming Tactics
- Knife Disarming Tactics
- How & When To Strike
- Ground Fighting For The Streets
- Why You Don’t Need A Black Belt To Be Combat Ready
- How To Use Every Day Items As Weapons
- How To Control Fear
- What’s Wrong With MMA For Street Defense
- The Ultimate Self Defense Tactic That Is Seldom Used or Thought Off
TSD does not focus on fine motor skill tactics but gross motor skill tactics
during an adrenaline dump. Our tactics are based around the natural and
instinctive anatomic responses that the human body has when affected by an adrenaline dump because of a threat.
DVD #1 Savage Stand Up Street Combat: Closing The Distance, Close Quarters,
Finishers. It’s the brutal truth the best self defense moves do NOT come from your typical “martial arts school”. It comes from the ugly unfair streets. This savage DVD will show you how to control and destroy a violent man who is twice your size regardless if your trying to close the distance, fighting in a phone booth (close quarter situations) or if your
finishing him off.
- Convicts “stealth secrets” to closing the distance to avoid detection
- Barbaric tactics that don’t require skill or precision that will work
every time on any attacker instantly - The most brutal and hardcore close quarter tactics on the planet to stop
anyone regardless of their size dead in their tracks - The one extreme tactic that can be used any time regardless of what situation you are in, which is unknown to the general public
- Bone crushing finishers that finish the fight FAST and keep your enemy down
- Plus a hell of a lot more
DVD #2 Guerrilla Ground Fighting For The Streets DVD is ground fighting on steroids and will crank up your ground & pound arsenal it’s grappling with attitude. A no holds barred
approach to street ground fighting not MMA ground fighting. Discover the best take-downs and ground pounds that will knock the snot out of anyone.
You will discover…
- Hard hitting, bone crushing take-downs that leave your attacker winded and out cold ending any fight in seconds
- Barbaric grappling tactics that are banned from mixed martial arts and are “unknown” to the public
- Regardless if you are flat on your back, face down or mounted with your hands pinned these outlaw ground tactics will give you the edge over your attacker
- The ultimate vicious tactic that will work in any given grappling situation
making you an all out monster of destruction. - Plus much more
DVD #3 Armed To The Teeth: Weapons Disarming & Improvising DVD will reveal the TRUTH about weapons disarming tactics and how you can transform instantly ANYTHING around you as a weapon to control & destroy a dangerous criminal.
This DVD reveals…
- How to instantly turn objects around you as a dangerous weapon to ass whip any threat.
- The proper mentality you must possess when it comes to dealing with an armed attacker so your survive and stay alive.
- How to disarm a thug with any type of weapon in lightening speed
- The proper mindset you should have so your weapon is NEVER turned against you
- Plus a ton more
DVD #4 Crank: Head Manipulation Concepts: Regardless if you’re a beginner or advanced
combat practitioner this DVD reveals an anatomic truth of head control which is wherever the head goes the body must follow. giving you freakish skills to your existing combat system
When you order this DVD discover…
- Head manipulation tactics that will smash and cripple an enemy that’s twice your size
- How to “steer” the head of the most resistant thug so you can easily toss and drop him in lightening speed
- The CRANK TACTIC which allows you to throw a bigger man across a room knocking him senseless
- How to effectively redirect and move your enemies body using the “crank tactic” regardless if your enemy is sitting, standing and
lying on top of you so you have complete control of any given
violent encounter - Plus many more tactics
DVD #5 TMT (Tactical Muscle Training) DVD gives you combat ready go muscles that mimic combative tactics that you would be using during a violent altercation if, heaven forbid, you’re ever called upon to spring into action and kick some ass. Exercises are geared around increasing your tactical combat attributes which in turn makes you more proficient and highly effective when it comes to your personal protection yet getting you into shape as well.
When you order TMT (Tactical Muscle Training) you will…
- Become insanely strong which allows you to cripple
anyone in your path. - Become a human wrecking ball with your striking/kicking power destroying whatever is in your way
- Decrease your odds of being knocked out with a simple exercise
- Have what it takes to handle whatever comes your way
because your body is a fine tuned combat machine. - Plus many more tactically geared exercises
DVD #6 The Ultimate Equalizer DVD is about pure survival plain and simple. This DVD reveals the one tactic that no man or woman should be without when it comes to their personal
protection so you got what it takes to survive and stay alive. This insanely violent tactic can be incorporated into any existing system you practice.
When you order The Ultimate Equalizer DVD you will discover…
- The raw violent personal protection tactic that will get you out of harms way FAST
- What inmates in prison rely on to get the job done PRONTO
- How this one instinctive tactic can be learned instantly
- How you can apply this vile tactic from any angle to destroy the toughest S.O.B
- How this sadistic tactic can instantly place your enemy into the flight response so your enemy urinates himself/herself
- Plus a whole lot more
DVD #7 FIST: Fighter’s Instinctive Scenario Training DVD shows you the secret science of
combat training. For practice doesn’t make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect is TSD’s training motto.
When you order FIST: Fighter’s Instinctive Scenario Training DVD you will…
- Retain your combat tactics almost instantly avoiding endless hours of repetitious training.
- Be able to slow down and tactically think through a violent chaotic encounter increasing your odds of survival.
- Ensure a winning combat mindset so you are able to respond to
violence confidently. - Control the Flight/Fight Response so you are NEVER frozen in fear.
- Avoid mistakes made through conventional training methods.
- Plus much more…
DVD #8 Cheap Shots Low Blows Cuz Anything Goes DVD shows you the nasty fight tricks &
secrets of seasoned criminals & street fighter’s.
When you order Cheap Shots, Low Blows Cuz Anything Goes DVD you will
- How to execute the stealth pre-emptive strike your enemy wont know what hit him
- How to delay your enemies response time using the “break state” technique
- Ordinary clothing & objects that YOU can use to simply knock the snot out of someone instantly.
- A filthy dirty little trick that takes away your enemies weapons without you having to lay a hand on him
- Plus a bunch more filthy fight finishers, dirty tricks, cheap shots and low blows
I value your life so I am going to give you the cold hard truth about violence. Just because you know how to kick some ass don’t mean squat because that’s only half the truth when it comes to protecting yourself.
You need to know how to deal with your injuries so you SURVIVE AND STAY ALIVE.
It’s called taking a look at the BIGGER picture…
As a Certified Combat and First Aid Instructor I would like to begin by stating that you should always take a First Aid Course from a reputable organization so you know how to properly treat your injuries after a violent altercation as occurred.
Now with that being said you need to practice and rehearse those first aid
procedures at a constant level so you’re able to use them when the time comes. If you don’t you will simply “lose what you don’t use”.
Most people for the life of them can’t remember what they learned in a First Aid class
immediately after finishing the course.
Put the effects of adrenaline and stress into the equation while trying to remember these complicated medical procedures that you have seldom practiced when your guts are hanging out of you or there’s a gaping hole in your chest or if it’s a loved one ill during a survival situation.
And well you get the picture…
This is where my eBook Combat Medic comes in because it Keeps It Simple & Similar.
I believe that combat and first aid goes hand in hand. You may win the battle (the violent altercation) but you also need to know how to win the war (knowing how to deal with your injuries) or else you’re doomed for failure.
It’s actually all about common sense.
Look at it this way…
When REAL RAW PURE violence happens someone or both parties are going to get injured. The difference between winning and losing BOILS DOWN to not only knowing how to
handle yourself physically but medically as well.
In fact look at how injuries happen during a violent encounter…
- Your attacker pulls a knife out during a scuffle someone’s going to get cut usually you
- Your suddenly ambushed by multiple attackers, you are going to suffer blunt force trauma
- You’re in a bar and shots are fired and you get shot
There have been plenty of men who have been in violent altercations, killing or injuring their attackers in gun or knife fights but in the end died themselves due to one simple fact.
Sadly most people don’t know what to do when it comes to dealing with their
injuries while waiting for EMS (Emergency Medical Services).
If you don’t know how to deal with your injuries then your life in serious danger my friend.
Threatening If Treated IMMEDIATELY
So let me ask you this…
Isn’t it important to know a few simple life-saving combat first aid skills so you’re able to survive and see your loved ones again?
Yet it’s a painfully harsh reality that most people are completely unprepared to handle combat and survival medical injuries.
Most people will not remember their First Aid skills when they need it the most.
This is the reason why I created this clear, simple and concise manual titled Combat Medic.
So if putting in the training time to horn your first aid skills is an issue you will still be able to utilize the first aid tactics from this manual because of its
Combat Medic will show you how to do just that regardless if you’re dealing with minor or major life threatening injuries.
- Find out why it’s vital to perform a Rapid Body Scan “RBS” after all altercations
- Secrets of emergency medical services, military and tactical law enforcement teams in dealing with serious deadly bleeding injuries.
- Get the scoop on what first aid items you should have on your persons in your everyday carry kit which is ideal for the minimalist and can save your butt regardless of what injury you have sustained.
- How to stay “convert” so you don’t attract unwanted attention to yourself after a
violent “bloody” altercation so you get away - How to deal with seeing the sight of your own blood so you don’t pass out or panic when you need to deal with your own wounds quickly.
- Find out what the signs of internal bleeding are to prevent an assumed minor injury from turning into a serious deadly internal bleeding injury.
- Know how to treat arterial bleeding using four different methods so if your first method doesn’t work you have three other options to fall back on, exponentially
increasing your odds of survival. - Regardless if your injury is a minor or major wound learn a simple way of
remembering your first aid skills using the combat medic format so you don’t freak out, freeze up and forget.
Plus a whole lot more…
There’s no skill more vital than being able to treat yourself medically so you
survive a violent attack and are able to live to see another day. This is about life or death!
And if you’re serious about you’re self defense and being able to handle yourself then this ebook is for you.
When you get your copy of “Combat Medic” today, you tap into medical skills that combat professionals know to dramatically shortcut your path of survivability.
That is what Combat Medic is all about.
When it comes to self defense or personal protection what thoughts
immediately come to your mind?
Many people automatically think of physical combat skills, few think of liability or legal ramifications of using force in a self defense situation.
This simple no nonsense 28 page special report I am about to share with you is going to cover this aspect of self defense which is seldom thought of or practiced in most self
defense and combat schools around the world.
I have taught use of force and law courses for many years and the most common question I get from clients is…
“Why do I have to worry about what I say to 911 and police when they arrive at a scene where I had to use force to protect myself or my loved ones? I didn’t do anything wrong, I was just protecting myself, I didn’t start anything”
The problem with this mindset is that law has nothing to do with right or wrong, it has
everything to do with “loop holes”.
If someone has a good lawyer, YOU not the thug that has attacked or tried to rob you will be found guilty of wrong doing.
After reading this special report you will discover how to avoid these loop holes by…
- Finding out the one phrase police want to hear from you after using force in a self defense situation, if you don’t say this you could end up in jail.
- Straight to the point explanation of the Use Of Force Framework so you’re not charged with using excessive force.
- Knowing the two things you need to ask for when you call 911.
- What considerations the courts look at to justify using force in a self defense situation.
- The one factor that can throw you in jail if you have it during an altercation regardless if you’re up against three armed thugs.
- Plus much more
Everything I have ever learned through the two decades of training with some of the worlds most dangerous people is in this package for only
$69.99 USD.
In summary you will receive…
- Instant Access to my Secrets of Street Combat eBook $37 Value
- Instant Access to 4 Hours Worth of MP3 Interviews $90 Value
- Instant Access to 8 Instructional Fighting & Conditioning DVD’s $139 Value
- BONUS #1:Instant Access to Combat Medic eBook $19.99 Value
- BONUS #2:Instant Access to Law & Self Defense: How To Win The War In The Courtroom When You Use Force $19.99 Value
So if you are 19 years of age or older just click the PayPal button below and you will be sent to a secure page and you can safely place your order through PayPal.

By clicking “Buy Now” or by purchasing this product you agree that you are 19 years of age or over and waive your right to take any legal action whatsoever towards Tactical Self
Defense Inc and take full legal responsibility for any injury you may sustain from any of these techniques and any action you may take that violates any of the laws of your country through the misuse of information taken from this product. Allow 24 hours for your order to be processed and a reply sent to you.
Non PayPal members send a check or international money order in US funds payable to
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